Peacehaven Baptist Church
The main task of any church is the preaching and teaching the Gospel of Christ. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ and what that means to those that seek Him. Namely forgiveness and eternal life. The salvation of the lost as Jesus said he came to seek and to save that which was lost. We distribute literature and invite people to church. This outreach is primary however, to make this more effective it requires inward growth by the church and a closer walk with the Lord. Part of what we do to ensure that is to help believers grow to be more like Christ. Again this is through the Word of God preached and applied to our lives.
We also at times do some activities together such as Christmas meals and a summer picnic with bible studies in peoples homes at other times. We often hold special services for mothers or fathers day and remembrance Sunday.
Not only do we do these things we encourage and assist at times other churches of like faith and practice both in the UK and abroad. We have missionaries we help in Germany and one couple in Portugal.
We have helped revitalize other churches in the region and have helped start a new church in Suffolk. We can help with preaching in additional like minded churches that have a need. This will often serve as a much needed support to pastors and congregations if lets say one pastor has to be away for a time or is struggling. Remember it is the responsibility of each Christian to preach the Gospel to every creature, that is meaning all people everywhere
Meeting at the Cambourne Community Centre,
The Hub in Cambourne
Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10 am
Junior church and Morning Worship 11am